Swagger (OpenAPI) 2.0

A Swagger (OpenAPI) 2.0 definition can be converted to or from an FSD file using the fsdgenswagger command-line tool.


fsdgenswagger is a command-line tool that converts Swagger to FSD or FSD to Swagger.

Install fsdgenswagger as documented from its NuGet package.

fsdgenswagger accepts an FSD file or a Swagger file as input and generates an FSD file or a Swagger file as output. It supports the standard command-line options as well as the following additional command-line options:

  • --fsd: Generates an FSD file (instead of a Swagger file).
  • --json: Generates JSON (instead of YAML) when generating a Swagger file.
  • --service-name <name>: Overrides the service name.

Swagger Schema

This section describes the Swagger fields supported by Facility and their equivalent in FSD.

Not every feature in Swagger is supported. Facility API information without a corresponding Swagger field is stored in an extension field (starts with x-).

Facility does not currently support $ref fields that span files.

Facility supports both JSON and YAML formats for a Swagger definition file.

Swagger Object

Defines the service.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
swagger (always 2.0)
info (see Info Object)
host [http(url: "...://(host)/...")] on service
basePath [http(url: ".../(basePath)")] on service
schemes [http(url: "(scheme)://...")] on service
consumes (ignored)
produces (ignored)
paths (see Path Object)
definitions (see Definition Object)
parameters (see Parameter Object)
responses (see Responses Object)
securityDefinitions (ignored)
security (ignored)
tags (ignored)
externalDocs (ignored)

Only one scheme is supported by FSD. https is preferred over http.

Info Object

Defines the service.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
title service summary
description service remarks
termsOfService (ignored)
contact (ignored)
license (ignored)
version [info(version: (version))] on service
x-identifier service name
x-codegen (set by fsdgenfsd --swagger)

If the service name is not specified by x-identifier or the --serviceName command-line option, a service name is created from the title.

Path Object

Defines one or more methods.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
(path) [http(path: "(path)")] on method (see Path Item Object)

Path Item Object

Defines one or more methods.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
$ref (supports internal references)
get [http(method: GET)] on method (see Operation Object)
put [http(method: PUT)] on method (see Operation Object)
post [http(method: POST)] on method (see Operation Object)
delete [http(method: DELETE)] on method (see Operation Object)
options [http(method: OPTIONS)] on method (see Operation Object)
head [http(method: HEAD)] on method (see Operation Object)
patch [http(method: PATCH)] on method (see Operation Object)
parameters (see Parameter Object)

Operation Object

Defines a method.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
tags (ignored)
summary method summary
description method remarks
externalDocs (ignored)
operationId method name
consumes (application/json as appropriate)
produces (application/json as appropriate)
parameters (see Parameter Object)
responses (see Responses Object)
schemes (ignored)
deprecated [obsolete] on method
security (ignored)

If operationId is not specified, a method name is created from the HTTP method and path.

Parameter Object

Defines a request field and its type.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
$ref (supports internal references)
in [http(from: (path|query|header|body))] on field (formData not supported)
name query, path, or header name
description field summary
required (true for path parameter; ignored otherwise)
schema (see Schema Object)
type field type (see Data Types)
format field type (see Data Types)
allowEmptyValue (ignored)
items array value type (see Data Types)
collectionFormat (ignored)
default (ignored)
maximum (ignored)
exclusiveMaximum (ignored)
minimum (ignored)
exclusiveMinimum (ignored)
maxLength (ignored)
minLength (ignored)
pattern (ignored)
maxItems (ignored)
minItems (ignored)
uniqueItems (ignored)
enum enum values
multipleOf (ignored)
x-identifier field name
x-obsolete [obsolete] on field

If x-identifier is not specified, the field name is set to the name field (or "body" for body fields).

Responses Object

Defines response fields of a method.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
(code) [http(code: (code))] on the method or the corresponding body field (see Response Object)

Response Object

Defines response fields of a method.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
$ref (supports internal references)
description body field summary
schema response field(s) or body field (see Schema Object)
headers (ignored)
examples (ignored)
x-identifier body field name

If operationId is not specified, a method name is created from the HTTP method and path.

Schema Object

An items object, header object, or schema object. Defines a DTO, a field, or a field type.

Field Name FSD Equivalent
$ref (supports internal references)
description field summary
required (ignored)
title (ignored)
type field type (see Data Types)
format field type (see Data Types)
items array value type (see Data Types)
maxProperties (ignored)
minProperties (ignored)
default (ignored)
maximum (ignored)
exclusiveMaximum (ignored)
minimum (ignored)
exclusiveMinimum (ignored)
maxLength (ignored)
minLength (ignored)
pattern (ignored)
maxItems (ignored)
minItems (ignored)
uniqueItems (ignored)
enum enum values
multipleOf (ignored)
properties DTO fields
allOf (ignored)
additionalProperties map value type (see Data TypesData Types)
discriminator (ignored)
readOnly (ignored)
xml (ignored)
externalDocs (ignored)
example (ignored)
x-identifier field name
x-obsolete [obsolete] on field
x-remarks DTO remarks

If x-identifier is not specified, the field name is set to the name field (or "body" for body fields).

Data Types

The following table describes how each Swagger type and optional format map to an FSD field type.

Swagger type/format FSD Type
boolean boolean
integer int32
integer/int32 int32
integer/int64 int64
number double
number/float double
number/double double
number/decimal decimal
string string, enum
string/byte bytes
string/binary string
string/date string
string/date-time string
string/password string
object DTO, error, result<T>, map<T>, object
array T[]
file (not supported)